ABBYY FineReader Engine
The most comprehensive OCR SDK for software developers

Advanced image pre-processing functions
Basic image processing functions
FineReader Engine offers a number of image processing functions, such as:
- Image scaling
- Image cropping
- Image clipping
- Creating previews
- Image rotation (90, 180, and 270 degrees)
- Lines straightening
- Mirroring and inverting
- Remove noise
- Enhance local contrast
Advanced image processing functions
- ABBYY Camera OCR technology
- Pre-processing for documents with stamps and written notes
- Auto-splitting of double-pages
- Autodetection of page orientation (90, 180, and 270 degrees)
- Automated image de-skewing (up to +/- 20 degrees)
- Image despeckling (image clean-up)
- Despeckling images in individual blocks Texture filtering and Adaptive Binarization
- Adjusting text and background color
- Data extraction from fields with various borders and frames
Unrivalled photo processing (Camera OCR)
- Correct image resolution
- Straighten curved lines
- Automatic 3D perspective distortions correction
Correction of 3D perspective distortions
Blurred images correction
ISO noise correction

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